Our recommendations

Food chart for dogs

Quantity / day (1 pattie = 1/2 lbs or 8 oz)
Quick calculation for adult dogs: 1 pattie/25 lbs of body weight

Weight of dog in pounds Adult Puppy
10 LBS 3.2oz 6.5 to 8 oz
25 LBS 8oz 1 to 1.5 LBS
50 LBS 1 LB 2 to 2.5 LBS
75 LBS 1.5 LBS 3 to 3.75 LBS
100 LBS 2 LBS 4 to 5 LBS
125 LBS 2.5 LBS 5 to 6 LBS
150 LBS 3 LBS ~
175 LBS 3.5 LBS ~
200 LBS 4 LBS ~

*Recommended amounts vary depending on the degree of activity of your pet.

Food chart for cats

1 pattie = 1/2 lbs, 8 oz or 227 grams

Kitten 200-300 grams per day 100 grams per 4.5 Kg of weight
Adult cat 7-10 oz per day 3.5 oz per 10 lbs of weight

*Recommended amounts vary depending on the degree of activity of your pet.